B5G-OPEN joint demo at ECOC 2023!

  • October 5, 2023
  • news
  • 416

“Modular Control Plane Implementation for DisaggregatedOptical Transport Networks with Multi-band Support”
Alessio Giorgetti(1), Andrea Sgambelluri(2), Filippo Cugini(3), Evangelis Kosmatos(4), Alexander Stavdas(4), Jose Manuel Martinez-Caro(5), Pablo Pavon(5), Oscar de Dios(6), Roberto Morro(7), Laia Nadal(8), Ramon Casellas(8)
1 CNR-IEIIT, Pisa, Italy.
2 Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy.
3 CNIT, Pisa, Italy.
4 openlightcomm, Prague, Czech Republic.
5 e-lighthouse, Cartagena, Spain.
6 telefonica, Madrid, Spain.
7 tim, Torino, Italy.
8 CTTC, Barcelona, Spain


The video of the demo is available here: https://youtu.be/3CWxFnRwxo4